Painting at heights — what you need to know


What is painting at heights?

We talk about painting at heights when the worksite is located over one story high (approx. 10 feet and up) and requires both elevation equipment and a greater vigilance than usual to avoid accidents. More specifically, painting at heights include:

  • Lintel painting
  • Cornice painting
  • Roof painting
  • Dormer painting
  • Exterior siding painting
  • Curtain-wall painting

Elevation equipment

Equipment used for painting at heights must be safe. Most of the time, we advise against the use of ladders or scaffoldings which are often instable and present a high-risk of fall.

On the contrary, we prefer using lifts and elevation platforms. The lift, generally smaller, allows for one person to climb, sometimes two. With most lifts, one must go completely down to the ground to be able to move it forward: this option is not the fastest to paint a large surface like the exterior siding of a warehouse. The elevating platform is usually over 10 feet wide which allows for tree painters to climb together.

Mandatory training courses for worksites at heights

Any painter working on a commercial or industrial site in Quebec must have his CCQ competency card and an RBQ licence. Moreover, training courses in health and safety at work are mandatory for any work at heights, even if it’s only painting.

Indeed, it is imperative to learn how to handle the paint sprayer without causing any damage to the neighbours and the buildings’ inhabitants. Painters wear a safety harness and a construction helmet when necessary. And above all, they need to follow a training course to learn how to operate a lift or elevation platform without collision. Let’s mention that each year, dozens of accidents happen on Quebec’s work sites, this is why painters should always take these guidelines seriously.

To learn more about painting at heights or to book an appointment for a free estimate, please contact us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.